
Mini Australian Shepard
Beau is a mini Australian Shepherd and is a "thinker". He is always ready for play time, and strives to show his big brother Shep that he is a big dog too! Beau was born in Texas (as was his sister Daisy) and is so sweet…he loves a cuddle or two or three or four. He is also the fastest runner I have seen! Born to run! He also LOVES to be in water, so much so that we had to put a fence around the pool steps to keep him out of the pool. He is not quite brave enough to just jump in the deeper areas yet...but that time is coming! He is good with his sister too, a good game of tug and those two are happy!

Daisy Mae
Mini Australian Shepard
Daisy is also a mini Australian Shepherd and sister to Beau(same litter). She's happy to be around her humans! Always has a sparkle in her eye.....24/7. While super sweet and happy, she can bark with the best of them! She loves her treats and knows to sit right away in order to get one. A little lighter than brother Beau, she holds her own in the running/chase game and toy-tug. Unlike Beau, Daisy is not a fan of the pool or any water (except to drink it). She has the most expressive face, and can actually control her ears for added effect!

German Shepard
Shep is an 80lb German Shepherd,we brought home 3 years ago and is a big baby! He changed our lives and stole our hearts! For his size he will not hurt a flea, loves to talk (By talk I mean BARK) to the ducks that fly into our pool in the springtime, and has easily adjusted to his new brother and sister. Shep is a lover of throwing-and-fetching, doesn’t matter what. Shep, like Daisy, is not a fan of the water. We keep working with him on that and would love to see him jump and play in the pool.
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Our mission is very simple...we want to help people with their real estate needs! We have been in the real estate industry for more than 25 years. We experienced the swings in the market, the low interest rates, the higher interest rates, scams, seller market, buyer market and much more. My how things change over the years....the one thing that has not changed is the personal relationship that develops between the customer and their agent. That's what we bring to the table, you and your goal will be the number one priority with us. It's plain and simple, selling the biggest asset you have is a BIG deal.
Making, what might be, the biggest purchase you ever do, is also a BIG deal. We are here to help navigate the real estate road, detours, bumps and obstacles!